Friday, March 2, 2012

Agile Methods for Project Hestia

One of the agile methods that we have made use of during the development is the Scrum meeting. We meet every week on Tuesday and Thursday to discuss what we have gotten done, what we plan to do and how we plan on doing it. These meetings also involve a lot of coding in a group, to make sure that we are all working together and communicating well. Almost every major design decision is decided in these meetings. We make sure that everyone is included in deciding how we want the game to iterate for the next week. Secondarily, we have a google document of our backlog. From this list, we all chose what we want to work on next and any time a task is complete, we have it crossed out on the doc, so that we can all see what is and isn't done. Finally, we build tasks in small steps and iterate on them later. Each task, such as getting light working, starts as the basic idea and then evolves slowly as we improve the game. For example when I first built our Light Controller class, it only had one very basic light that was created. After that we build the other forms of light. Then we worked on the different colours of light. This process was very scrum-like and meant that we had a working, albiet flawed, product at all times.

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