Friday, March 2, 2012

The Team in Relation to the Agile Manifesto

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

We prefer having meetings to discuss plans as well as to do actual development work. Electronic methods of communication are rarely used in our team and even when we do use them, it is for collaborative purposes (e.g. working on the same document through Google Docs during our meetings).

Working software over comprehensive documentation

We always aim to create something that works, with the intention of revisiting it later to improve it if necessary. Likewise, we don't have our plans set in stone nor did we keep extremely detailed documentation of what has or will be done.

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

We meet with our TA regularly to keep our "customer" in the loop.

Responding to change over following a plan

The plan we developed initially was not followed exactly, only approximately. We did this as a response to change. Change for us came in the form of discovering what actually needed to be done and what Unity was capable of doing, which altered our perspective and correspondingly our development approach.

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